Nature or Nurture in Criminology

Dilara Koçbay
4 min readJan 22, 2021

There are many investigations and researchers about which one leads us to commit a crime but non of them have completely established the real reason behind a crime. However it is possible to create a potential criminal profile according to the researches that made by the neuroscientist and criminal psychologist.The investigations shows that most of the criminals deal with three main issues that possibly lead them to be a criminal.


First aspect is growing inside a unhealthy family structure where the fathers are alcoholic and mothers are though dominant charachters. The severe incompatibility between the parents becomes a trauma for the child and causes the child to become prone to violence. This is the answer to the question why we have to be careful while raising a child because childrens never forget what they gone through while they were little. Most of the time the victims carry the same properties with the person that the criminal exposed violence while he/she was a little child. The criminals specifically choose victims like their parents or whom they exposed to violence because they believe that they have the right to take revenge from them.In addition to family structure the financial stituation of the family also affects the child because crime is more common in bad neighborhoods where people suffer from poverty and commits crime to save their life someway. As a child facing with these kind of bad habits can cause worse actions in the future.


According to some researches , neuroscientist found something important that might change the equation in someway. There are some evidences that some criminals have different kind of brains than other people.A recent study discovered many convicted criminals carry a condition which is called antisocial personality disorder.This disorder causes them to not have any sense of what is right and what is wrong. Another brain study , published in the September 2009 Archieves of General Psychiatry analyzed that ‘ In the psychopaths, the researchers observed deformations in another part of the brain called the amygdala, with the psychopaths showing a thinning of the outer layer of that region called the cortex and, on average, an 18-percent volume reduction in this part of brain’. As we know the amygdala is where our emotional reactions arise and when there is a problem out there the outcomes will create a person having lack of emotion. A person with less emotions means a person with less remorse, goodness and empathy. Unfortunately people with antisocial personality disorder are much more than being emotionally weak because when there is a person who feels himself good by doing something wrong than this person becomes a danger for their surrounding. Despite all the researches that have been done so far it is impossible to say that everyone who has a disorder in their brain has to be a criminal because there are also researches about people who have the same disorders but have no criminal records and on the other side there are people commiting crime without any disorders. So it is hard to say that having a brain disorder causes people to commit crime.


The most important subject in this equation is certainly the psychology of the person because when there is something wrong with it, it is impossible to be a healthy human being. People could have psychological disorders genetically but also the family relations can effect the childs psychology both in good and bad ways. According to the researches that made by criminologists and psychologists most of the criminals had experienced bad parenting and sexual harrassment in their childhood. Bad parents doesn’t mean parents who don’t know how to be parents , it means that they use violence against their child without any love. When the child grows up in a horrible family it is mostly inevitable for the child to become a person who always desires to be powerful over anyone because when they were a little child they were the less powerful one and should submit to the strong one.Exposing this much violence can obviously create a monster who always desires to be the most powerful one and wants to control each person that they can. As I said control is also very important for them because they are in the search for being powerful and they gain power by controlling people. Beside the desire of power they have also lack of remorse which decreases the feeling of being sad about someone.This triggers the desire to kill someone without feeling any emotion that a human being has to have.In conclusion they are human shaped evils and their brains and hearts are just organs that tries to stay alive someway without feeling the emotions which gaves us a meaning to live our lifes.

